Limited edition: only 3 units for sale
MSCHF Scouts earn a profit by reselling MSCHF Scout Cookies at a markup. If you resell all 528 boxes of cookies for $15 each, you will net $6,296 in earnings!
Your cookie sales kit includes everything you need to get your MSCHF Scout troop started!
The youth in God’s country will learn to sell.
The Scouts of America–and here we include both the Boys and the Girls in their generalized popular image–are deeply nationalist, deeply moral, and deeply patriotic. The Girl Scouts’ cookie-selling is central to their role in pop culture and in the larger context of the Scouts, commercial enterprise is not only core to the organization but core to AMERICA, baby! Commerce becomes one of–if not the most important–fundamental values of an idealized American youth.
The Scouts have found a shortcut to building trust with their buyers. How can a cookie salesman on the street (cookies, of all things!) build the instant rapport needed to convince passersby to open their wallets? Ahh, but imagine if our salesman is in fact an adorable child, backed by an organization synonymous with the ever-youthful temporarily-inconvenienced-billionaire optimism of the American Dream? Now we’re cooking with gas. And when you enjoy such tremendous populational goodwill, what’s a red-blooded all-American youth to do but SELL SELL SELL!
Sales is a highly individualistic profession that leans into a one-against-the-world mentality, treating all contacts as exploitable marks. Sales, in other words, fits perfectly with the American ethos. The salesman is a pioneer in an unfriendly wilderness to be conquered–a mental positioning that maps exactly atop the ever-westward settler mentality that constructed the American sense of self.
And yet, paradoxically, the Girl Scouts are chumps: Allegedly, over $1 BILLION dollars of cookies are sold each year, but the kids aren’t walking home with that dough. For a badge or sticker, underage children labor to sell wholesale quantities of cookies for their (de facto, not de jure of course!) employer. In fact, the kids’ families also pay the Scouts for the privilege. We bring up our children right in this country: From the moment they hit middle school, we fold them seamlessly into the production of alienated labor.
You are buying 528 boxes of MSCHF Scout cookies, evenly split between three flavors. You will also receive four complete MSCHF Scout uniforms in S, M, L, and XL with which to outfit your troop, and a Scout’s Sales Guide. Everything you need to sell cookies!
There are only three MSCHF Scout Cookies bulk orders available, each of 528 boxes. Each purchaser will become the founding member of MSCHF Scout Troop. Each order contains a unique sash color to differentiate the troops. YOU ARE COMPETING WITH EACH OTHER.
You will be paying just over $3 per box of cookies. As long as you sell them for more than that, you can turn a tidy profit here. Sell to your friends, sell online, offer singles and bulk deals, but remember: Close. The. Deal. At the end of the day it’s up to you to make it work.
Alternatively, you can eat them all yourself, we would respect that.
No. You either become the MSCHF Scout Troop or you buy from the MSCHF Scout Troop.